CACU Announces Partnership to help with Cybersecurity for CU’s
Did you know 90% of cyber-attacks are executed with information stolen from employees like YOURS? A new partnership could give you some peace of mind. Corporate America Credit Union has partnered with ThreatAdvice to offer members a solution to keep their staff educated, informed and prepared for cyber threats.
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ThreatAdvice offers an online platform where credit union staff can easily access pertinent information and test themselves in the process. In fact, Corporate America is now arming its own staff with the training. “You can never be too safe when it comes to informing your staff about scams and attacks that can harm an institution,” said CACU Chief Technology Officer Donald Eagen. “We chose to use ThreatAdvice because we feel it offers ease of use and comprehensive awareness so our employees understand the risks businesses face. We want to give our staff as much knowledge as possible.”
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For more information, please contact Corporate America at (800) 292-6242 or services@corpam.org.